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University of ROME “Tor Vergata”

The Rome research unit coordinates the selection, analysis and cataloguing of research sources, starting from the films already available in the digital format. The establishment of a corpus of titles to work on is made possible by the collaboration of several film archives both in Italy and abroad. The cataloguing aims in particular at the individuation of films containing exterior scenes and at their grouping in single catalogue units, in order to allow for a detailed description of the locations and the spaces of representation.

Luca Mazzei


Luca Mazzei is Associate Professor of Film at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. His main research interest concerns the relationship between film and documents in the history of Italian cinema. He is co-director of the journal Immagine. Note di storia del cinema and a member of the editorial board of the journal L’avventura. Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes. He has published several essays in books and journal, he is the author of Geometrie dello sguardo. Contributi allo studio dei formati nel cinema italiano (2006, with Federico Vitella), Napoleoncina di Lucio d’Ambra. La sceneggiatura (2015), and the co-editor, with Francesco Casetti and Silvio Alovisio of Early Film Theories in Italy 1896-1922 (2017).


Ilaria Agostini


Ilaria Agostini is Researcher at the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna; she teaches at the doctoral course in Architectural and Urban Engineering of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and she is Directeur de recherche at the Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en sciences sociales et humaines, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. Her research focuses on the themes of situated life: the urban and rural environments housing it, the modes of territorial transformation, the politics concerning cityscapes and landscapes, the self-organized territorial resistances projecting and producing existential alternatives.


Angela Maria Fornaro


Angela Maria Fornaro was born in Pomigliano d’Arco (NA) in 1975.
She obtains a degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples, with a thesis on the image of the landscape in Neapolitan silent cinema (prof. A. Sainati). In 2005 he completed his Ph.D. at the University of Florence with a thesis on tricks and special effects in Italian silent films of the 1910s (prof. Sandro Bernardi). From 2005 to 2023 he taught in public school. In 2009 she attended the Film Restoration Summer School of the Cineteca di Bologna and, in the same year, worked as archivist-revisionist for the Cinema Museum of Turin.
Since 2010, she has been the legal representative of the Camera Film Cultural Association, which works to disseminate and enhance film culture and materials, including the Salvatore Confessore (16mm renter) archival film and document collection.
Since 2019, she has been a professor of restoration and tutor of film revision laboratory for the advanced training course Specialist in Post-production and Film Restoration at the University of Studies Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples; at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, in 2022-2023, she taught in the semester course of History of Animated Cinema.


E-mail: angelamariafornaro[at]

Lorenzo Marmo


Lorenzo Marmo is Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at Universitas Mercatorum, and he also teaches at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. He obtained his PhD from Roma Tre University, and in 2017 he was Lauro de Bosis Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University. He is the author of Roma e il cinema del dopoguerra. Neorealismo melodramma noir (Bulzoni 2018) and his main research interests are: the relationship between film, photography and space; Italian cinema; the theory of atmospheres.


Eleonora Sforzi


Eleonora Sforzi is a postdoctoral researcher at the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome within the PRIN Project “Revisualizing Italian Silentscapes 1896-1922”. She is lecturer in “Fashion, Media and Visual Culture” at the University of Florence. She participated in the PRIN Project “Cinema and the New Culture of Consumption in Italy (1950-1973)” as a postdoctoral researcher at the “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara. She holds a Ph.D. in History of Fine and Performing Arts from the University of Florence, in co-tutorship with Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her research, which draws inspiration from visual culture studies and media archaeology, focuses on the history of fashion film in Italy and France. She has published some articles in edited volumes and in academic journals and she has participated in national and international conferences in the field of film and media studies.

