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Educational projects

PCTO-Transversal Skills and Orientation

Paths comprising a phase of historical-theoretical framing, viewing of silent films and recognition of the places represented, subsequent “field work” of revisualization, and finally the creation of interactive maps (see below). Institutes involved: Liceo Artistico Statale “M. Guggenheim” in Venice; Liceo Artistico Statale “Nanni Valentini” in Monza; Liceo Artistico Statale in Verona; Liceo Artistico Statale “Bruno Munari” in Vittorio Veneto (TV). The activities carried out were returned in public online meetings.

The interactive maps

A specific outcome of the PCTOs, the interactive maps, created with Neatline, locate in the present the locations of silent films in the territories where the educational activities took place, making it possible to verify the changes that have taken place. The maps also collect the narratives and audiovisual representations produced by and by students* in their personal creative reinterpretations of the legacy of silent cinema. Beginning with an overview map of the territory affected by the activities of the various participating institutes and classes (identified by the different colors of the icons), the individual maps of the cities of Venice, Verona, Milan and Vittorio Veneto are accessed.

Go to the Overview Map (link