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University of Turin

The Turin research unit is responsible for the design and development of the database for cataloguing the landscapes and locations of the film corpus, along with user applications which support intelligent access to the data. The database, once structured and released online, will make it possible to consult the records of films and sequences also on the basis of thematic searches and geolocation. The Turin unit also coordinates the development of the interpretation and scientific dissemination activities of the collected data.

Silvio Alovisio – Humanistic Studies Deparment (Principal Investigator)


Silvio Alovisio, full professor of Cinema and Audiovisual Communication at the Department of Humanities, University of Turin, is president of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and of Circe (Interdepartmental Center for Research on Communication).  His prevailing research interests are the cultural and social history of Italian silent cinema, the relationship between cinema and the sciences of the mind, the history of film audiences, film theory from its origins to 1930, and the stylistic forms of modern and contemporary cinema. He has published many studies in books and journals (including Film History, 1895, Bianco & Nero, Archivos de la Filmoteca, Problemi dell’informazione) and seven monographs (including Wong Kar-wai, 2009; L’occhio sensibile, 2013; Giovanni Pastrone, 2015; La scuola dove si vede, 2016). He is a member of the editorial board of the journals Immagine. Note di storia del cinema and L’Avventura. Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes.


Noemi Mauro – Computer Science Department (Workpackage Leader)


Noemi Mauro is an Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Torino where she obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science with Honors. Her research interests concern user modeling, recommender systems, cultural heritage, information filtering, and information visualization. She won the best paper award at UMAP `20 with the paper Personalized Recommendation of PoIs to People with Autism. She is a PC member of the top conferences in her research areas and reviewer for several related journals. She is an Editorial Board Member of the User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction journal. She co-edited the special issue Intelligent Systems for People with Diverse Cognitive Abilities in the Human-computer Interaction journal.


E-mail: noemi.mauro[at]
Sito web personale

Liliana Ardissono


Liliana Ardissono is a full Professor at Computer Science Department of the University of Torino. Her research interests include user modeling, recommender systems, information exploration support, context-aware systems, GIS. She authored more than 100 papers published in international journals and conferences and she is a member of the editorial board of the international journal User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, Springer. She has been Program Chair of UMAP ’22: 30th ACM Conf. on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Barcelona, Spain, and of User Modeling 2005: 10th Int. Conf., UM 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Moreover, she has been co-chair of several editions of the PATCH workshops, focused on the design of methodologies and techniques to develop interactive systems supporting Cultural Heritage exploration and fruition. Furthermore, she has been a guest editor of various special issues about personalized Cultural Heritage, among which one for UMUAI, and one for Applied Sciences, MDPI.


E-mail: liliana.ardissono[at]

Jessica Cusano


After a master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, Jessica Cusano engaged in research and organization of events about Cinema and Audiovisual Communication, Bioethics and Game Studies, obtaining a Ph.D. in Performing Arts and Music. She is subject expert at University of Torino and she has written of many academic publications and has organized several conferences on early cinema, focusing on the representation of material culture in italian silent fiction cinema. She is member of the editorial staff of the italian acedemic journal Immagine.



Stella Dagna




E-mail: stella.dagna[at]

Paolo Furia


Paolo Furia currently works as a fixed term researcher (RTDA) at the Department of Humanities of the University of Turin (Italy). He has been working as postdoc at the University of Turin since November 2017 and co-organizes the Aesthetics Research Turin cycle of Seminars. He is a member of the European Society of Aesthetics, the Italian Society of Aesthetics, the Interuniversity Center of Morphology, the Centro Studi Luigi Pareyson and the Society for Ricoeur Studies. Paolo Furia partecipated in international conferences and seminars in Berlin, Paris, Palermo, Rome, Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, Leuven, Ljubljana and was a member of project teams in Paris (Ehess and Paris Nanterre). He has published 3 monographs (Rifiuto Altrove Utopia, Mimesis 2019; Estetica e geografia, Mimesis 2020; Spaesamento. Esperienza estetico-geografica, Meltemi 2023) and several articles in English, Italian, and French.


Vincenzo Lombardo


Vincenzo Lombardo PhD is Full Professor of Informatics, at the University of Turin, Italy (Department of Informatics). He doctorated in Computer Science in the Turin-Milan University Consortium (1993). He is the President of CIRMA (Interdepartmental Centre for Research on Multimedia and Audiovideo) and deputy coordinator of the Scientific Board of the PhD programme “Technology for Culture”. At public company Virtual Reality & Multi Media Park, he has run the Art-Science Alliance Laboratory (ASA Lab) from 2004 to 2012, as a multimedia designer and producer. He has been the Principal Investigator in EU projects (VEP – Virtual Electronic Poem), national projects (DramaTour), local projects (CADMOS – Character-centred Annotation of Dramatic Media ObjectS). He has been a key-person and workpackage leader of the EU project BeArchaeo (Beyond Archaeology). His research concerns methodologies, models and applications of informatics, and AI in particular, for interdisciplinary challenges, such as semantic annotation and visualization for heritage metadata, multimedia design, natural language processing, and cognitive modeling. His papers are published in international journals, books, conference proceedings. He is also active as a multimedia designer and producer.


Diego Magro


Diego Magro is a Researcher at the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin. His research interests are in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Humanities, and Web of Data. His current research activity is mainly focused on Knowledge Representation, Ontologies, Reasoning, and Semantic Technologies. He teaches Programming, Algorithms, Databases, and Ontology Modeling and Reasoning in several university courses.


Andrea Nasi


Andrea Nasi is a fellow researcher at the University of Turin’s Computer Science department. After finishing high school, where his passion for computer science started, he continued his studies at the University of Turin. He first obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and subsequently a Master’s degree in Computer Science, oriented toward Virtual Reality. During his university career, he had the opportunity to explore topics such as the representation of tridimensional objects and their visualization in an interactive virtual environment. Beyond his academic career, Andrea is passionate about books and video games, with which he often spends his free time. Also, he is a lover of travel and cooking.


Livio Scarpinati


Livio Scarpinati is a research fellow at the Department of Computer Science, University of Turin, Italy, where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science with distinction and later his Master’s degree cum laude with mention in Artificial Intelligence. His interests are in web development, mobile and particularly UX design. In addition to computer science Livio is very passionate about books, analog photography, travel and in particular music, a passion that started with a guitar and then continued with the piano.


E-mail: livio.scarpinati[at]

Bruno Surace


Bruno Surace is a PhD in Semiotics and Media, Researcher in Cinema and Audiovisual Communication, Professor of Cinema and Audiovisual Communication at the University of Turin, and Professor at the Renato Einaudi Interuniversity College and at the Scuola Sperimentale di Cinematografia. He is the author of the monographs I volti dell’infanzia nelle culture audiovisive. Cinema, immagini, nuovi media (Mimesis 2022) and Il destino impresso. Per una teoria della destinalità nel cinema (Kaplan 2019), as well as the co-editor of Western Japaneseness. Intercultural Translations of Japan in Western Media (Vernon 2020, with Frank Jacob), The Waterfall and the Fountain. Comparative Semiotic Essay on Contemporary Arts in China (Aracne 2019, with Massimo Leone and Jun Zeng), I discorsi della fine. Catastrofi, disastri, apocalissi (Aracne 2018, with Vincenzo Idone Cassone and Mattia Thibault). With Gabriele Marino, he co-edited TikTok. Capire le dinamiche della comunicazione ipersocial (Hoepli, 2023), the first Italian essay on the subject. He has participated as a speaker in conferences in Italy, Europe, China and the United States. He authored over 60 scientific contributions.
