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Lecturescapes is a series of interdisciplinary telematic meetings on landscape to support the research activities of the RevIS project.

The second meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. with a talk by Lorenzo Marmo, Associate Professor of Cinema at Universitas Mercatorum in Rome.

“Cinephilia and Topophilia. On the role of landscape in the spectatorial experience.”

Reflection on cinematic spatiality has been articulated, over the past thirty years at least, through a multiplicity of heterogeneous perspectives: from studies on urban modernity to the investigation of the medium’s cartographic dimension, from the relationship with tourist flows to the aesthetic debate on the concept of atmosphere. After briefly outlining these main trends, the intertwining of topophilia and cinephilia will be discussed. In this way, it will be possible to illuminate the specific role played by the landscape in the spectator experience, as an element that both facilitates and hinders the dynamics of absorption into the narrative universe.